Odisha Mineral Bearing Areas Development Corporation (OMBADC)

Aranya Bhawan, 1st Floor, GD-2/12 Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar,751023, Odisha

Aim & Objectives of the Organization:

The Company is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) incorporated for undertaking, inter alia, Projects/ works for tribal welfare and area development so as to promote inclusive growth in the mineral bearing areas of the State as per the scheme prepared by the Government of Odisha and approved by the Supreme Court of India in IA No. 2746-48, 2862, 2941, 3629 and 3721 in W.P(c) No.202 of 1995 in its order dated 27th January 2014 and 28th April 2014.

History & Background of its Establishment:


“ Shri T N Godavaram Thirumulapad was a member of the princely Nilambar Kovilakam family in the Malabar region of Kerala. He had initiated, what turned out to be a landmark intervention by the Hon’ble Supreme Court to protect India’s forests. He was the genesis behind the Writ Petition (Civil) No. 202 of 1995.”

It all started in September 1995, when Godavaram Thirumulapad was distressed on seeing the destruction of the wooden area in Gudalurin the Nilgiris, Tamilnadu. These wooden areas, Janmam Lands (absolute proprietary lands) of the Nilambar Kovilakam had been taken over by the State of Kerala following the enactment of the Gudalur Janmam Estates (Abolition and Conversion into Ryotwari) Act of 1969. Since the government was unable to protect the forest as illegal felling was on the rise, Godavaram Thirumulapad filed a writ petition in the Supreme Court which was enlisted as Writ Petition (Civil) No. 202 of 1995. The Hon’ble Court immediately took cognizance of the matter and on Dec 12, 1996 passed an interim order directing tree felling and non forest activities in forests across the country be stopped. This order had a large scale impact across the country and was followed by more than a thousand Interlocutory Applications (IAs) filed covering issues like mining in forest areas, tree felling, management of protected areas and encroachment.

In response to the raising no. of IAs and the technical nature of issues involved, the Hon’ble Court ordered for the constitution of an expert committee, The Central Empowered Committee (CEC) in May 2002. In September 2002, the CEC was notified as a statutory committee with wide ranging powers to deal with pending IAs, hear fresh applications and pass orders in consonance with the Hon’ble Supreme Court. A new pattern in the administration of forests had been set up. The case is still open but not under active hearing and the CEC continues as a statutory body.

Another major incident that took place was the setting up of the Shah Commission by the Union Ministry of Mines in 2010 to investigate the illegal mining of iron ore and manganese in the country. The Commission’s report revealed a sort of scam in Odisha and exposed that illegal mining of iron ore and manganese has caused a loss of Rs. 59,203 Crore to the state’s exchequer and recommended that the state government should recover this money as soon as possible. The recovered amount should be used for the development of two districts- Keonjhar and Sundargarh because these were the two districts badly affected by illegal excess mining and destruction of large tracts of forests. The CEC was asked to rationalize the Net Present Value (NPV) of the natural resources like forest as well as the illegally mined minerals.

In the month of April 2010, the CEC recommended for use of 50% of additional NPV through a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for undertaking specific tribal welfare and area development works to ensure inclusive growth of the mineral bearing areas. The Hon’ble Court approved this proposal and asked the Govt. of Odisha to comply with the recommendations of the CEC. On 27th January 2014, the Hon’ble Supreme Court passed another judgement which said- "50% of the additional amounts of Net Present Value (NPV) recovered by the State of Odisha from the mining lessees will be used by the State of Odisha through a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for undertaking specific tribal welfare and area development works so as to ensure inclusive growth of the mineral bearing areas. The State of Odisha will accordingly file within four weeks from today; a comprehensive plan for the development of tribal’s out of the aforesaid funds, taking into consideration their requirements of health, education, communication, recreation, livelihood and cultural lifestyle as indicated in this Court’s judgment.

Establishment of OMBADC:

The CEC made a visit to Odisha in March 2014 and advised the State government to furnish a scheme on the Special Purpose Vehicle for their reference and filing before the Hon’ble Supreme Court. In response to the advice of the CEC, the state government vide letter no. 10 F (L) 19/2013(pt) dated 29/03/2014 submitted the scheme for filing before the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

The scheme proposed by the Govt. of Odisha was accepted by the Hon’ble court on 28th April 2014 and its judgement said that – “We have perused the Scheme prepared by the State Government of Odisha and the recommendation of the Central Empowered Committee and we approve the Scheme and direct Ad-hoc CAMPA to transfer to the SPV 50 per cent of the additional amount of the NPV within a month for undertaking tribal welfare development works.”

“The State Government has earlier, registered a Society, namely, Society for Inclusive Development of Mineral Bearing Areas of Odisha, which has been registered vide registration number 23354/74 of 2011-12 under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 to act as SPV for the purpose. It is now proposed to wind up the said Society and to replace it with ‘Odisha Mineral Bearing Areas Development Corporation’ to be set up under section 25 of the Companies Act.” as an SPV.

Finally, Odisha Mineral Bearing Areas Development Corporation (OMBADC) was registered as a Section-8 company under the Companies Act of 2013 at the Registrar of Companies, Cuttack on 2nd December 2014 and is categorized as Company limited by shares (Public Limited Company) as well as a State government Company.

A. General Manager Operation :

  1. He will co-ordinate with the line department like health & family welfare, A&FE Dept, F&E Dept. F&ARD Dept., Pollution Control Board, Skill Development Dept. and RD Dept. for their project submission, DPR Preparation. Approval by the Board and Oversight Authority and supervision of the projects.
  2. He will ensure scrutiny of project proposals and evaluate periodically with assistance of PMU the effectiveness of project implementation in consonance with objectives of OMBADC.
  3. He will monitor the functioning of PMU of OMBADC.
  4. He will deal with manpower agency of the corporation and keep record of performance of the personnel engaged through service provider or other agency.
  5. He will look after the website development of the board and update the information periodically.
  6. He will monitor the submission of the report and returns by line department through Nodal officers and conduct periodical review meeting in consultation with CEO, OMBADC.
  7. He will ensure periodical report compilation such as QPR, HPR and Annual report etc as and when required. He will supervise the presentations for BOD and OA.
  8. He will process the procurement and purchase the stock and store articles with approval of CEO which will be attended by GM Finance for payment and stock entry.
  9. He will co-ordinate with PCCF&HOFF, Odisha in for utilising the office space and annual payment of different cess for services provided by him at Aranya Bhawan, where OMBADC is located. He will resolve any issues relating to Aranya Bhawan.
  10. He will coordinate with other General Managers in case of overlapping functions.
  11. He will discharge any additional duties as may be entrusted by CEO, OMBADC from time to time.

B. General Manager Administration :

  • He will be over all responsible for the establishment and administrative functions of OMBADC.
  • He will deal with all personnel files of officials of OMBADC deputed to the corporation and discharge the liability of the corporation on account of their deputation to OMBADC under Foreign Service condition.
  • To keep record of attendance, leave and other service matters of employees of the corporation including members of PMU.
  • To formulate and adopt the establishment the establishment rules of the corporation and to liaison with the government on establishment matters.
  • To prepare the draft affidavits for court cases in Supreme Court and other lower courts and settle other legal issues related to the OMBADC.
  • He will co-ordinate with the line department like PR&DW Dept; Housing & Urban Development, school & Mass Education Department, W&CD Dept, SC&ST Development Dept. for their project submission ,Approval, DPR preparation, and supervise the project implementation.
  • He will ensure scrutiny of project proposals and evaluate periodically with assistance of PMU the effectiveness of project implementation in consonance with objective of OMBADC.
  • He will monitor the submission of the report and returns by line departments through Nodal officers and conduct periodical review meetings in consultation with CEO, OMBADC.
  • He will organise periodic review meeting /Board meeting in consultation with CEO.
  • He will maintain the records of manpower agency of the corporation and keep record of performance of the personal engaged through service provider and ensure timely submission of their bills for entitlements.
  • He will ensure timely submission of bills and TE bills for officials, OSDs, PMU etc.
  • He will ensure deployment of vehicle to officials of OMBADC and provide a pool vehicle for office business. All the hired vehicles should have secretariat pass for smooth official business with various line departments.
  • He will notify all statutory notifications of the company from time to time.
  • He will comply the observations made by Board of Directors or over sight Authority as and when required.
  • He will prepare the Expression of interest for different service provider, travel agent/tour operator or manpower agency. He will submit the draft tender notice as and when required.
  • He will coordinate with other General Managers in case of overlapping functions.
  • He will discharge any additional duties as may be entrusted by CEO, OMBADC from time to time.

C. The General Manager Finance :

  • He will be in over all responsible of finance and Accounting functions of OMBADC including but not limited to the following duties and responsibilities.
  • To advice the CEO to manage the funds of the OMBADC in efficient and effective manner so as to earn maximum interest to the corporation.
  • He will make liaison with banks, treasury and finance Department.
  • He will prepare the Annual Operational Expenses Budget for efficient release of money to meet administrative expenses of OMBADC and project expenses by line department against approved projects
  • He will prepare the monthly and Annual Accounts of the corporation in Tally ERP 9.0 and maintain proper accounts and records as per statutory requirements.
  • He will attend all the Income tax matters and appear before the IT authorities as and when required in consultation with income tax experts of OMBADC.
  • He will attend to the statutory Auditors, Auditors of C&AG of India, AG Odisha and submit reply to the observation of auditors.
  • He will supervise and monitor the activities of the Internal Auditors appointed for the OMBADC and obtain the reports for appraisal of Board of the company
  • To examine the financial clauses of all tenders floated, the agreements signed by the corporation.
  • To discharge the function as a Drawing and Disbursement officer and to prepare pay rolls of the staff of OMBADC, PMU etc. and maintain the cash book and Bank statements.
  • He will maintain stock and store of the corporation and report on depreciation in value of the store article as and when required.
  • He will ensure statutory deduction of all taxes from the bills raised by OMBADC.
  • He will monitor submission of periodical and Annual Utilisation certificate in prescribed format by Line Department.
  • He will ensure timely release of fund to project implementing agencies of line department to augment project expenditure after observing statutory compliances.
  • He will coordinate with other General Manager in case of overlapping functions.
  • He will discharge any additional duties as may be entrusted by CEO, OMBADC from time to time.

D. Duties & Responsibility of Company Secretary :

  • The company secretary during his employment with the OMBADC shall perform the duties and exercise the powers which the Company may from time to time properly assign to him in his capacity as Company Secretary or in connection with the business.
  • The employee will be responsible for efficient and effective discharge of all functions in the Company as required by the CEO/Directors from time to time.
  • The function and duties of Company Secretary (Employee) shall include.
    • To report to the Board about compliance with the provisions of the new Act, the rules made there under and other laws applicable to the company.
    • To ensure that the company complies with the applicable secretarial standards.
    • To provide to the directors of the company, collectively and individually, such guidance as them a require, with regard to their duties , responsibility and powers.
    • To facilitate the convening of meeting and attend board , committee and general meeting and maintain the minutes of these meetings.
    • To obtain approvals from the Board, general netting ,the Government and such other authorities as required and under the provisions of the Act.
    • To represent before various regulators , and other authorities under the Act in connection with discharge of various duty's under the Act.
    • Board in the conduct of the affairs of the company.
    • To assist and advice the Board in ensuring good corporate governance and in complying with the corporate governance requirements and best practices.
    • To discharge such other duties as have been specified under the Act and rules.
    • Such others duties as maybe the Board from time to time.
    • Maintaining all the statutory and non-statutory essential registers , book , files ,records, papers , etc.
    • Preparing and filing with the registrar of Companies and other consult authorities the reports, returns , documents , papers etc. Complete in all respects and with in the prescribed periods of time.
    • Advice then General Manager , Finance in the Income Tax Act / GST for filing the quarterly and annual returns of OMBADC after making scrutiny of the Finance and account related documents / files available with the finance and accounts section.
    • For caring out the instructions , directions and advice of the Board of Directors / Chairman / CEO / of the OMBADC given to him time to time, discharge the duties as per the Companies Act 2013.
  • To Company Secretory will be authorize to Act/ sign documents / appear before any judicial or quasi-judicial authority on behalf of the OMBADC.It is expected to him that he will do / commit / signed any document strictly in the interest of the establishment and within the preview of law. In case he commits any breach of trust or privilege in such discharge of his duty, he will personally liable for the consequence of such acts and omissions.

E. Roles and responsibilities of PMU :

  • Working in close coordination with OMBADC Cells at the district level as well as with the relevant stakeholders at the village, gram panchayat and block level, identify/assess critical existing need gaps and then make a priority for taking suitable interventions. OMBADC will help in coordination works with the above-mentioned stakeholders.
  • Rolling out annual implementation plans of the already approved and under implementation projects. Annual implementation plan needs to be prepared at the beginning of financial year containing detail actions, timelines, cost estimates along with the implementing agency.
  • Work in close coordination with the OMBADC Cells at the district level and ensure proper monitoring of all the projects against agreed outcomes.
  • Designing formats for DPR, MoUs /Agreements/ notices/ Reports/ communications, wherever required, for any activity relating to implementation of the scheme
  • Evaluation and Analysis of the project reports of the implementing agencies such as DPR Evaluation, Funds release request of subsequent installment, withdrawal request and any other task as per the direction of OMBADC from time to time.
  • Seek synergies and convergence with various line departments to avoid duplicity at the field level.
  • In consultation of the OMBADC Cell members at district level, identify, design and promote innovativ
    e solutions through field level pilot interventions, especially in the areas of livelihoods, education, skill development and healthcare and adopt best practices from various sectors and geographies to the district.
  • To maintain various available communication media such as the OMBADC website and Twitter account, assist in conveying the effectiveness of OMBADC’s activities on the lives and livelihoods of the mining affected communities and encourage such communities to take ownership of such interventions to ensure sustainability in the long run.
  • Preparation of policy briefs, documentation of lessons learnt and impact assessment reports as per the requirement of the project.
  • Drafting of Reports/ Presentations and generating data of various forms/kinds as per the requirement of the Government/Courts from time to time.
  • Assist OMBADC in the entire procurement cycle for different projects to be implemented in the area.
  • Assist OMBADC in conducting various capacity building activities and knowledge management on the objectives and guidelines of OMBADC for different stakeholders.
  • Technical and Facilitation assistance to the OMBADC in its interactions with external stakeholders, various state government departments as well as national governments.
  • From the Perspective plan, rolling out annual implementation plans need to be prepared at the beginning of financial year containing detail actions, timelines, cost estimates along wit the implementing agency.
  • Parallelly liaison with Line departments and their field level offices to seek proposals that have already been developed and then evaluate such proposals for their effectiveness.
  • Having created and or received a shelf of projects, create plans for implementation and monitor against agreed outcomes.
Sl. Activity Level of Action Time Frame
1 To receive a letter and put a diary no. Concerned DEO/Assistant Same day
2 Letters to reach the concerned section / PMU through proper channel Respective GM 01 day
3 To process the paper under correspondence Admin. Assistant 2-3 days
4 Scrutiny by concerned Section Officer / PMU member Respective Expert 02 days
5 Scrutiny by Team leader - PMU Team leader - PMU 02 day
6 Disposal / scrutiny by GMs Respective GM 01 day
7 Disposal / scrutiny by CEO CEO 01 day
8 Return to respective Section after disposal by the final authority Admin. Assistant Should be routed back through same channel in same day for further action
Sl. Activity Time Frame/ Norm Remarks
1 Diary of letter 5 minutes per letter -
2 Dispatch of letter 5 minutes per letter Registered Dak including entry in messenger book
3 Typing Job 30 pages per day English only
4 Docketing / initiating primary not by Dealing Asst. 3 days from the date receipt of P.U.C. In case of normal correspondence
On same day NB: if P.C is not available may take more time In case of very important correspondence
5 Next higher authority May take 07 days for final order In case of normal correspondence
May take two days NB : if P.C is not available may take more time In case of very important correspondence
6 Scrutiny of Plan, Scheme, Projects and Preparation of reports, etc One month of time -
Sl. Name of the Act, Rules, Regulations etc. Download
1 Article of Association
2 Memorandum of Association
3 Guidelines for Project Financing, Implementation and Monitoring
Sl. Name of Record Details of Information Available Unit/ Section where Available
1 Files, Records, Information All Project files with Detailed Project Reports submitted by various Line Departments, Quarterly Progress Reports -
Files pertaining to Annual Accounts, Financial Audit, Statutory Audit etc. -
Files related to Annual General Meeting, BoD Meetings, Oversight Authority Meetings & other reviews with line departments. -
Files related to issue of Sanction Orders, Release Orders, Utilisation Certificates etc. -
Income Tax related records -

All policies as regards to OMBADC is Subject to approval of Board of Directors followed by concurrence of Oversight Authority.

  1. Shri Manoj Ahuja
    IAS, Chief Secretary cum Chairman OMBADC
  2. Smt. Anu Garg
    IAS, Development Commissioner-cum-Additional Chief Secretary, P & C Dept
  3. Shri Debidutta Biswal
    Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & HOFF
  4. Shri Satyabrata Sahu
    IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Revenue and Disaster Management Dept.
  5. Shri Deoranjan Kumar Singh
    IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Steel and Mines Dept
  6. Shri Sushil Kumar Lohani
    IAS, Pricipal Secretary, Panchayati Raj & Drinking Water Department
  7. Shri Saswat Mishra
    IAS, Principal Secretary, Finance Department
  8. Shri G-Rajesh
    IFS, Chief-Executive-Officer, OMBADC
  9. Smt. Roopa Roshan Sahoo
    IAS, Commissioner-cum-Secretary, ST&SC Development, M & B Classes Welfare Dept
  10. Smt. Dharitri Rout
    Independent Director
  11. Shri Sunil Kumar Das
    Independent Director
  12. Shri Bhagabat Majhi
    Independent Director
  13. Shri Banabehari Mishra
    Independent Director
  14. Smt. Nilima Rajkishori Topno
    Independent Director
  15. Smt. Subhashree Ray
    Independent Director
Sl. Name Designation Mobile No. E- Mail
1 Shaikh Naimuddin OSD to OA 9717866988 ShaikhNaimuddin1@Yahoo.com
2 Dwaipayan Pattnaik OSD-II to OA 8895351519 dwaipayanpattanaik@gmail.com
3   General Manager (Admin)  
4 Jayanta Kumar Das General Manager (Operations) 9437576447 jkdascuttack@gmail.com
5 Bhabani Prasad Das General Manager (Finance) 7008696438 bdash16@gmail.com
6 Purna Chandra Gouda PA to CEO 9937705601 pshome1984@gmail.com
7 Santosh Kumar Nanda Junior Assistant 7008972396  
8 Swati Swagatika Pratihari Company Secretary 8093340001 swati.pratihari1@gmail.com
9 Aditya Mohan Pradhan Skill Development Expert 9599806326 aditya.ombadc@gmail.com
10 Ambuj Prasad Team Leader 8084152573 prasad.ambuj@gmail.com
11 Abhigyan Prakash MIS Expert 8509198415 abhigyan.mis.odisha@gmail.com
12 Jagannath Mishra Livelihood Expert 9861642229 jjnmishra8@gmail.com
13 Jeeban Jyoti Water Supply & Sanitation Expert 9777818516 jyoti.roj144@gmail.com
14 Sagar Masanta Infrastructure Expert 9348505218 rsagar.masanta@gmail.com
15 Nalini Das Water Supply & Sanitation Expert 9777348504 ctboy_das@yahoo.co.in
16 Nishipadma Subhadarshini Social Development Expert 8895091372 nishi.ombadc@gmail.com
17 Sudarshan Sawra Education Expert 9304086538 Sudarshan.ombadc@gmail.com
18 Dr Sushree Nibedita Parida Health Expert  9437627988 drnibeditaparida19@gmail.com
19 Parth Vishnoi Monitoring and Evaluation Expert 8249032316 parthvishnoi@gmail.com
20 Rakesh Kumar Das Accounts Officer 8763701961 dasrakesh577@gmail.com
21 Sonali Sahoo Junior Assistant 9583461005 sonalisahoo6497@gmail.com
22 Chandini Nayak DEO 7205986189 chandininayak819@gmail.com
23 Priyadarshini Behura DEO 9040966164 priyadarsinibehura@gmail.com
24 Rabi Narayan Patra DEO 9777302562 rabinarayana.patra71@gmail.com
25 Sunil Kumar Nayak DEO 9348640463 sunilkumarnayak366@gmail.com
26 Santosh Kumar Sahu DEO 9776274736 ssahu9557@gmail.com
27 Rajesha Kumar Nishank Office Assistant 6372456186 rajeshnishanka@gmail.com
28 Nihar Ranjan Muduli Office Assistant 8144038525 asknihar678@gmail.com
29 Alok Chandra Tripathy Office Assistant 8763329930 alokchandra.tripathy@gmail.com 
30 Manash Ranjan Nayak Office Assistant 9438166227 manash.oms1989@gmail.com
31 Dillip Kumar Panda Security 7751872752 dillippanda097@gmail.com
32 Kanhu Charan Biswal Driver 9937232691 kcbiswal.bbs@gmail.com
33 Babaji Charan Mallick Driver 9437282927 babajimalick12@gmail.com
34 Gitanjali Sahoo Sweeper 8114927575 rsahoo3587@gmail.com
Sl. Name Designation Basic Pay Remarks
1 Sri Sudhakar Burgi G. M. (Admin) 147700 Deputed from Govt. of Odisha
2 Bhabani Prasad Dash G. M. (Finance) 86100 Deputed from Govt. of Odisha
3 Sri Jayant Kumar Das G. M. (Operation) 90000(Consolidated) Contractual
4 Swati Swagatika Pratihari Company Secretary - Contractual
SL Sector Department Amount
in Rs. Cr.
1 Drinking Water Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water 8063.63
2 Housing and Urban Development 900.75
3 Education School and Mass Education 3136.46
4 SC&ST Development 65.94
5 Skill Development & Technical Education 369.28
6 Agriculture and Farmers Empowerment 146.92
7 Department of Sports and Youth Services 104.15
8 Higher Education 27.92
9 Health Health & Family Welfare 1309.35
10 Women and Child Development 1970.03
11 Electronics and Information Technology 8.2
12 Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 141.35
13 Livelihood Promotion Fisheries & Animal Resource Development 115.64
14 Agriculture and Farmers Empowerment 126.51
15 Handloom Textiles and Handicrafts 117.43
16 Mission Shakti 42.78
17 Forest Environment & Climate Change 43.43
18 SC&ST Development 250.72
19 Rural Connectivity Rural Development 482.45
20 Road & Bridges 68.22
21 Environment Protection Forest Environment and Climate Change 22.82
22 SMC Agriculture and Farmers Empowerment 120.85
23 Forest Environment and Climate Change 548.89
24 Housing and Urban Development 31.4
Total 18215.12
SL Sector Department Amount
in Rs. Cr.
1 Drinking Water Mega Rural Piped Water Supply Schemes for the districts of Keonjhar, Sundargarh, Mayurbhanj & Jajpur. 4472.73
2 Mega PWS to 285 villages in 04 blocks of Rourkela Division, Phase-III 443.25
3 Mega PWS to Lephripda,Tangarpalli, Sundargarh, Bargaon, Subdega & Balisankara Block of Sundargarh Division 554.58
4 Mega Pipe Water supply schemes in Mayurbhanj 1578.31
5 Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Kaptipada block 149.91
6 Single & Multi Village piped water supply projects for Rairangpur & Baripada RWSSS Divisions of Mayurbhanj 856.87
7 Development & Beautification of Bhatsagar Tank, Chhatia, Jajpur 7.98
8 Augmentation of Water Supply to ULB's of Keonjhar, Sundargarh, Mayurbhanj & Jajpur districts. 20.35
9 Drink from tap from 7 ULBs and Balance 7 ULBs without drink from tap Component. 880.40
10 Education Development of Infrastructure & other facilities in Elementary schools including KGBV's, Secondary Schools & 40 Odisha Adarsh Vidhyalayas (OAV's) across 4 districts. 1652.20
11 Upgradation of Centre of Excellence and Science Laboratories in N.C. College, Jajpur 15.20
12 Development of Infrastructure & Quality Education in Secondary Schools (Phase-I) 156
13 Development of Infrastructure & Quality Education in Secondary Schools (Phase-II) 533.40
14 Infrastructure development and Qulaity education in 36 Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya in 6 districts -Angul,Dhenkanal,Debgarh,Jajpur,Jharsuguda and Mayurbhanj. 489.53
15 Development of Infrastructure & Quality Education in Secondary Schools (Phase-III) 125.46
16 Development of School Infrastructure and Quality Education in Secondary Schools under 5T initiative - Phase IV 150
17 Construction of New Classroom Building of Madhupur Gada High School, Dharmashala, Jajpur 4.89
18 Construction of New Higher Secondary School Classroom Building of Dharmashala Mahavidyalaya, Dharmashala, Jajpur 9.78
19 Development of Educational Infrastructure for SC & ST Students of SC & ST Department Schools 61.34
20 Activities pertaining to Tribal Culture 4.60
21 Modernization of Govt. ITI & Engineering Schools & Skill development of Tribal Youths. 66.57
22 Construction of Academic Building & Library-cum-Research centre in the Govt. College of Engineering, Keonjhar by SD&TE Dept 33.39
23 Improving Infrastructure & opening of Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Govt. ITIs & Polytechnics 123.45
24 Certificate course for Skill Development of Tribal youths in Panchkarma & Naturopathy 0.16
25 Establishment of CoE in Mining with AR/VR (simulation) Technology at Govt. ITI (Mining Skill Academy), Koira, Sundargarh 12.20
26 Creation/upgradation of infrastructure of Technical, Vocational, and Educational Training (TVET) institutes in the OMBADC area for improving the employability of youth 104.80
27 Conduct Life Skill Training for improving employability of youth under OMBADC districts 2.70
28 Creation of infrastructure for establishment of industry led government ITI at Lakhanpur of Jharsuguda district under OMBADC for increasing employability of youth 24.48
29 Skill Development Training and Placement of Youth from mining sector 1.53
30 Capacity Building for Experimental Model & Infrastructure development through OUATC 146.92
31 Construction Of Indoor Stadium across different ULBs in OMBADC districts 104.15
32 Infrastructure Development in Maharaja Sriram Bhanja Deo University 27.92
33 Health Upgradation of Infrastructure in Health Institutions. 1202.94
34 Construction of 150 bedded MCH Hospital at Jajpur 66.44
35 Procurement of medical equipment for Health Institution in Mayurbhanj 3.21
36 Strengthening of Health System in Mayurbhanj district 36.76
37 Strengthening of Integrated Child Development Services. 1380.57
38 Mukhya Mantri Sampoorna Poosti Yojana (MSPY) 589.46
39 OFC (Broadband Connectivity) for Hospitals & Schools in OMBADC districts. 8.20
40 Composite Rehabilitation Centre for persons with intellectual disabilities 34.99
41 Construction of 03 no. of Composite Rehabilitation Centres in the districts of Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj ans Sundergarh 106.36
42 Livelihood Promotion Livelihood Promotion through fisheries activities. 36.94
43 Livelihood Promotion of tribals through Animal Husbandry. 58.22
44 Procurement of 1.0 Lakh Litre of Milk in Jajpur District over 03 Years 20.48
45 Horticulture activities. 14.11
46 Livelihood Promotion and Skill Development through Horticulture Activities (II Phase) 65.45
47 Targeting the Hard Core Poor (THP) Programme 35.24
48 Development of Mega Nursery in 04 districts 11.71
49 Projects under Sericulture & Handloom sector for upliftment of Rural/Tribal farmers/Weavers 82.29
50 Livelihood generation opportunities through promotion of Handicrafts Sectors 35.14
51 Enhancing livelihoods of poor by leveraging strength of SHG and their Federation. 34.78
52 Development of Mission Shakti Bhawan & Mission Shakti Village at Jajpur 8
53 Livelihood promotion in 5 Forest Divisions of Ama Jungala Yojana (AJY) 43.43
54 Natural Farming Transition in Odisha Tribal Landscape 250.72
55 Rural Connectivity Construction of all weather connectivity roads and bridges across 4 mining affected districts. 272.59
56 Improvement & Construction of Roads and Bridges for unconnected habitations under Hemgir, Kutra and Rajgangpur blocks of Sundargarh District 169
57 Improvement and Construction of Roads in Ghasipura Constituency 25
58 Construction of all weather road from Bagnamara to Paramandpur Kasidiha via Uchasahi Road 2.50
59 Construction of 3 nos. Bridges under Pallahara Block of Angul District 13.36
60 Improvement of Road under Pallahara and Kaniha Block of Angul District 68.22
61 Environment Protection Application of data science for development of Environmental Information System for mining areas of Odisha 6.17
62 Installation of Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations (CAAQMS) & Continuos River Water Quality Monitoring Stations (CRWQMS). 16.65
63 SMC Integrated Watershed Management Program & Water Harvesting Structures 10.13
64 Integrated Watershed Management Program & Construction of Farm Pond 110.72
65 Water Conservation through Soil & Moisture Conservation works 348.89
66 Creation of Green Belt in Mining prone areas of Odisha 200.00
67 Water bodies in 04 ULB's of 3 Districts. 31.40
Total 18215.12

Concessions & Permits

Sl. Name of the Act, Rules, Regulations etc. Download
1 Article of Association
2 Memorandum of Association
3 Guidelines for Project Financing, Implementation and Monitoring

Information available at website.

Sl. Name Designation Office Phone No. Address Name of Office/ Division Demarcation of Area/ Activities if more than one P.I.O is there
1 Sri Bhabani Prasad Das GM(Finance) 0674-2300488 1st Floor, Aranya Bhawan-GD2/12, CS Pur, Bhubaneswar-751023 OMBADC 1st Appellate Authority
2 Smt. Swati Swagatika Pratihari Company Secretary 0674-2300488 1st Floor, Aranya Bhawan-GD2/12, CS Pur, Bhubaneswar-751023 OMBADC PIO

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