Our History

Our History

Odisha Mineral Bearing Areas Development Corporation (OMBADC) is a Public Limited Government Company, not for profit, has been incorporated under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 on 02.12.2014. ...
The Company is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) incorporated for undertaking, inter alia, Projects/ works for tribal welfare and area development so as to promote inclusive growth in the mineral bearing areas of the State as per the scheme prepared by the Government of Odisha and approved by the Supreme Court of India in IA No. 2746-48, 2862, 2941, 3629 and 3721 in W.P(c) No.202 of 1995 in its order dated 27th January 2014 and 28th April 2014.

Our Logo

The logo, in short, embodies in itself the static images of the organization which is to be conveyed in the most appropriate manner. The logo for OMBADC is developed around the following concepts: ...
1. The green elements represent the intervention areas of the organisation like Afforestation / plantation, agriculture, roads, drinking water and other objects of interest.

2. The shape of three leaves represents green environment and positivity in mineral bearing areas.

3. The symbolic and illustrative elements of community development through infrastructure, plantation, drinking water and education represent the aim and objective of the organisation.

4. Colours chosen in the shades of green-blue-yellow-brown, is to best represent the developmental activities.

Our History

Story Behind its Establishment

The CEC made a visit to Odisha in March 2014 and advised the State government to furnish a scheme on the Special Purpose Vehicle for their reference and filing before the Hon'ble Supreme Court. In response to the advice of the CEC, the state government vide letter no. ... 10 F (L) 19/2013(pt) dated 29/03/2014 submitted the scheme for filing before the Hon'ble Supreme Court.

The scheme proposed by the Govt. of Odisha was accepted by the Hon’ble court on 28th April 2014 and its judgement said that – “We have perused the Scheme prepared by the State Government of Odisha and the recommendation of the Central Empowered Committee and we approve the Scheme and direct Ad-hoc CAMPA to transfer to the SPV 50 per cent of the additional amount of the NPV within a month for undertaking tribal welfare development works.”

Finally, Odisha Mineral Bearing Areas Development Corporation (OMBADC) was registered as a non-profit Organization under Section-8 of the Companies Act 2013 on 2nd December 2014 and is categorized as Company limited by shares (Public Limited Company) as well as a State government Company.