Drinking Water

The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 6) envisions universal, sustainable and equitable access to safe drinking water, prioritizing the poorest and most vulnerable groups. ... The Govt. of Odisha also envisages to achieve the targets of SDG 6 related to provision of piped water supply to the last household in the last village through funds available in the District Mineral Foundation Trust (DMFT), Odisha Mineral Bearing Areas Development Corporation (OMBADC), State’s Buxi Jagabandhu Assured Drinking Water to all Habitation (BASUDHA) and Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) under NADARD besides other central govt. funded schemes. Presently, OMBADC is funding 212 small piped water supply projects and 18 Mega Piped Water Supply Projects with an aim to saturate the tribal population in 08 mineral bearing districts of the state. Besides the provision of drinking water for the rural tribal population, the H&UD department is also focusing on augmentation and strengthening of water supply systems in 07 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) through 20 approved water supply projects for the districts of Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj, Sundargarh and Jajpur to meet the per capita norms of water supply in the urban areas.

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